Friday, June 15, 2012


How do you feel about your birthday?  Are you excited about it? Do you enjoy your day or do you treat it like a chore and "just another day"?

Growing up birthdays were pretty special in our house.  After all it was the day you came into our house and our lives. Parties were planned gorgeous handmade cakes were masterfully created by my Mom and the day and sometimes the whole week was a celebration for each of us in my family.  My birthday is right in the middle of summer. Or at least the middle of the time off from school. It was difficult to get classmates to attend a party when you're mid summer but that never stopped my Mom from making it special.

Maybe it's me but I've never grown out of that as an adult. I still want to be celebrated and made to feel special on my birthday. But no one does. Not even my Mom anymore. It makes me sad. It's unfair that because most people don't like birthdays I have to accept that and just ignore my day. That's the "adult" thing to do. I never work on my birthday I refuse. It's my day and I want to make it special. But most of the time my actual birthday is spent moping the day away while a few texts and a call here or there and a bunch of Facebook wishes do help. It's nice but no one asks to take me out even just for ice cream. I spend the day alone. I don't need a party but it would be nice if someone just made a plan to make that day special. It's not that I don't try and make the day special for others but it's often shunned or sloughed off because they don't like birthdays. Maybe I don't make enough effort to celebrate them because I assume their husband or wife or children will make their day. When you're single there isn't anyone.

When did birthdays become a bad thing? Shouldn't there be one day to celebrate and be all about you? I don't know I guess maybe I'm wrong. But it would be nice if more people got excited for their birthdays. I don't need a parade. But please don't disregard me because you don't like your birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! Sorry to hear this gf. The hubs and I pretty look at it as "just another day". I didn't use to but the past couple years, I've changed. I try to celebrate everyday and have it about me and it it can't be, at least I get a ME hour. :) ~hugs~ girlie
